June 5, 2012

4th day of summer?

It's officially my 4th day of summer.
WAIT WHAT? Yeah, you heard me. CRAZY things are happening in my life right now. It's almost surreal how all of this happened so fast. Sure, freshman and sophomore year weren't necessarily SLOW, but junior year went by so fast I'm still turning around in circles thinking "wait. What just happened?"
But I feel like I've accomplished a lot. Here's what I've been up to:

1. I've been workin on my tan. Holla! I was blessed with a pale complexion that burns easily and makes me feel like a white rabbit. So I've made it my goal to be out in the sun as much as possible during this wonderful summer (wearing plenty of sun tan lotion of course, gotta keep my skin healthy). Part of me is really happy that I'm getting tan! The other part of me is wondering why it's such an important things for girls to be tan? Why can't I be my pasty self? Still fighting this one out in my head, but I'll let you know when I've figured out the answer.

2. I've been reading books. O-ha-ho let me tell you, I've been reading books. Seriously, 4th day of summer and I think I've read 4 books already. I'm book crazy. 

This. book. is. amazing.
Placed in the Reagent era of England, Frederica takes her brothers and sisters up to London to help launch her younger, more beautiful sister, into society (with the somewhat unwilling help of a very wealth "cousin"). This crazy country family gets into so many indecent scrapes and mishaps that I laughed my way through have of the book - and the ending is magnificent! I wish in some ways that the Marquis had been better developed and there had been a bit more at the end - but I definitely recommend it to anyone who loves Jane Austen.

Cotillion wasn't my favorite, I didn't become particularly attached to the characters like I did in Frederica or The Grand Sophy - but still and enchanting book. I've started to say things like;
"devilishly good of you"
"he's flown into a mish."
Just a few of my favorite sayings.
Also, this book seemed a bit slow for me. I wanted to just skip chapters and head straight to the end. But I promise that if you pull through it, you'll enjoy it!

This is my favorite. Of all of the Georgette Heyer I've read, I love Sophy the most. She's unpredictable, mischievous, outgoing, tall (i love tall people), and friendly. She is everything I want to be, in a book character. It's a long book, but I think you'll be surprised on how much happens and how quickly you get through it. It's amazing!

3. I started a book club (insert smug smile). I'm actually really excited for this, because I love talking about books and reading books, so thought a book club would be fabulous! Because I started it, I picked the first book, which is:

I've read this book before, but I can't wait to read it and then talk about it in book club! I haven't decided what to serve yet at the meeting (foodwise), so if anyone has any splendid ideas it would be devilishly good of you to speak up.

4. I made the workout shirt I put on my list in my last post, it didn't turn out quite like how I had hoped it would, so I won't be posting pictures. I'll try again (possibly) to see if I can get it right a second time.
But here's how I did it:
Click on the picture to get the link to the original website.
I warn you! It's not as easy as it looks!

5. I got a job! FINALLY! Seriously, after searching and searching and searching I finally got a job :) Feelin a little proud of myself right now.
I'm working at the local Jamba Juice - I would post a picture but something about copyright infringement won't let me. Sigh.
It's actually a lot of fun, I make the smoothies and whatever else the customer orders. You wouldn't think making smoothies is hard, but it's kinda hard. It's a little stressful to make sure you do it quickly and get everything right, and don't spill, and be nice to the customer, and yady yady yada. 
Actually, funny story, my first day they had me sit in the back reading the manual guide thing. I was basically reading the recipes on how to make smoothies. Uh, why? I wasn't even MAKING smoothies. I was READING THE RECIPES to make smoothies. yeah that did nothing at all. But I've been working there for about a week now and I'm actually really enjoying the job! Plus I smell like fruit when I come home.

How's your 4th day of summer going?



  1. Loved Book Thief. Will have to try one of the other books. Am always looking for book recommendations.

  2. What a fun job, and perfect for summer! I could drink a Jamba every day...


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