June 29, 2012

Summer reading list 2.0

My aunt showed me this website - originally for planning my first bookclub meeting! Themed around The Book Thief (it was sooo good! Sadly I didn't take pictures. After playing around on the website a bit, I stumbled upon their summer reading list! It was lots of fun to look through these books:

This is a new series that I'm particularly excited about. Apparently, a group of authors came together to each write a book about one member of a book club. This one is Olivia, the other books are Paige, Daisy, and Athena. 

This one is more a creepy (perhaps thriller?) type of book. The main character just lost her job, is widowed, and is slowly giving over to dementia. But best of all, her neighboor was just murdered. And she's the prime suspect.
(ooohh suspenseful!)

This is a womans book. All about different type of woman at different stages of their lives - to me it sounds like a parenting book. But for some reason I like those. Don't judge.

You guys. YOU GUYS. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK IT IS RIDICULIOUS. A regency era book, need I say more? Please. For the love of all things holy. Read this book.

This one is another creepy book. I don't know why I read these - my room is in the basement, and it's reaaaally dark down there. These books scare the heebedy jeebies outa me, but I read them anyways. Yeah I know, stupid. I don't really understand what it's about, but I'm tellin you right now, I know there are 39 bodies behind that door. Just you wait. I'm psychic like that.

This is basically a re-telling of the classic Jane Eyre - one of my favorite books of all time (and creepy! It's like a weird form of masochisism. Is it sad that I only know that word from Twilight?)

Another murder mystery, this one placed in the South, a body is found under a peach tree. I'm reading it.
a)It has peaches
b)It's a romance
c)it's a mystery book.
This should be obvious guys.

I love historical fiction - and this book takes many aspects of history and combines them all together in a long love story, from Italy, to America, and back to Europe. 
Pluse it's another love story. And who doesn't love those?

1 comment:

  1. You must have one pretty awesome Auntie! Lucky you....xoxox


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