November 12, 2011

How you've grown my little bird

It's my birthday. 
I'm officially 17. 

My day went something like this;

I got up at around 11, and my dad made me french toast. Because he loves me.

Yeah - he loves me alright.

After breakfast dad and I painted the floor

We also started taking out the ceiling tiles to spray paint different shades of pink. You can see some of the ones we've already done. I think I want it to be mostly light pink with a few of the hot pinks thrown in, because they go well with the bedspread we bought.

Next, I helped Quincy rake leaves.

Then I practiced my piano and left for my lessons! 
I love piano, it's my favorite instrument in the world. 
It's majestic.

Then I went for a walk on such a beautiful lovely day. The sun and breeze were calling me to dance in the light. So naturally, I said yes.

What a beautiful day to be 17.

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